Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Professional Thank YOU!

To all my colleagues and peers who have supported me in this first leg of my professional journey with Walden University---THANK YOU! I could not have gotten started without your support and I appreciate each one of you! Best of luck in your educational journey! I sincerely hope we cross paths again!
Remember each day to make a true difference in someone's life. <3


  1. Wendy

    First I would like to say thank you for being so passionate about early childhood education. I enjoyed reading your feedback and posts to me. I will continue to follow your blog. Thank you for your support during this class. I wish you the best of luck during your educational journey.

  2. Wendy,

    Thank you for making this journey a little easier. Thank you for your kind words of encouragment throughout the course. I had a lot of trouble with the Personal Childhood Web, I really struggled to think of more family members who encouraged me in some ways, but the people I kept coming back to were teachers. Thank you for understanding that not only can family be a supprt in the life of a child, but educators as well. I hope we are able to share some of the same courses in the future. I wish you the best of luck in your quest for insight and knowledge into Early Childhood Education.

  3. I sincerely appreciate the comments that you left on my blog and the thought inspiring words on the discussion page. You are a true asset to our field. I wish you continued success on your future goals.

  4. I would like to thank you for engaging in my blog and discussions. Through these 8 weeks of viewing your own quotes and thoughts, it has given me the strength to continue with my own professional work. Being an advocate for children, I am honored to know that there are great people like you who are truly passionate about children and the field of early childhood education. I will continue to view your blog as I hope you continue to post great information.
