Friday, October 21, 2011

Ideals from NAEYC.....These ideals are solid reasons to TEACH!

Ideal #1

—To create and maintain safe and healthy settings

that foster children’s social, emotional, cognitive, and

physical development and that respect their dignity

and their contributions.

This ideal is the most important one to me. If I cannot provide a safe and healthy environment that nurtures the WHOLE child then I am not providing the BEST education possible to the children entrusted to me. I must maintain a place where not only they are safe but they FEEL safe. Meeting and exceeding this ideal ensures an excellent quality education will be delivered. I must provide a setting that ensures that the social and emotional, cognitive, and pyhsical needs of the child are met in a developmentally appropriate manner.

Ideal #2

---To be familiar with the knowledge base of early

childhood care and education and to stay informed

through continuing education and training.

To be good at anything in life, you must first know the details of the area you wish to excel in. You can hardly be an effective early childhood educator if you do not know much about young children and how they develop. The field of early childhood is an everchanging parade of new information. Emerging research and exciting new findings about the importance of our great profession are changing the way the world views early childhood education. Staying up on the latest research and staying informed on policy changes, as well as changes in ways we find what works and what doesn't, is critical to the success of our programs.

Ideal #3

—To recognize and respect the unique qualities,

abilities, and potential of each child.

This ideal is the "individual"component of the picture. While it is important to learn new information and enhance professionalism and to create safe and healthy environments, it is of the utmost importance to value each child as an individual and to respect and celebrate his or her individual differences. Every child can learn!! It is our responsibility to reach and teach each and every one that we are lucky enough to have put in our path. Respect must be earned and created.....abilities recognized and potential maximized. These are important words to live and teach by. Take them to heart.


  1. I like the pictures that you added to your ideals. I like the second one very much. I wish that more individuals in the field would appreciate the fact that they are expected to continue their education and continue learning.

  2. Thanks, Amy. That is me :) I graduated with my Bachelor's Degree in May. I have been in college on and off for 25 years! Finally, I made it! My girls are growning up and it is easier for me to find the time to do my school work. I have really enjoyed my first experience with Walden. Thanks for the feedback!
