Saturday, December 24, 2011

Learning from the Children

This is my favorite quote about children......

While we try to teach our children all about life,

Our children teach us what life is all about.

~Angela Schwindt
We can learn about life if we watch life through the eyes of a child. They are so non-judgmental and loving. They are open to new ideas and open to change. They love to learn and have a zest for life that is amazing. Let us all remember and honor childhood.

I also remember something a wonderful presentor, Dr. Jean Feldman, said in a workshop I recently attended. She said, "Let us not be so busy trying to give children what we didn't have that we forget to give them what we did." It is not the material things in life that matter. It is the love, guidance, experiences, and memories that make people happy and self-sufficient.
Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Wendy,
    That is so true! There are moments in my classroom when I just look at my students and smile because they get caught up in the moment and don’t realize that I’m watching. It’s such a great feeling.
