Friday, September 30, 2011

"The Passion for Early Childhood"

"I see adults finding their voice as a result of their work.....the passion to create a safer, more just world for all kids is there."~Louise Derman-Sparks

This quote speaks to me because I have learned so much about myself since I became a teacher. With each milestone in my life, I became a different teacher and person. My personal encounters....they all made me learn something about myself , however, the day to day learning experiences I have with my students has changed me more than anything. My passion grows stronger and stronger each day with each encounter I have with the children. Seeing the kids learn drives my passion and fuels my soul....

".....and having people offer me opportunities and opening doors for me as I've gotten older. It's my turn to be able to create opportunities for parents and children to have those opportunities prestented also..... I wanted to keep doing more..... There is more to life than just what is in their neighborhood."~Raymond Hernandez, M.S. Ed.

Dr. Hernandez's remarks were the most poignant to me. He seems to have a passion for helping others because of  the people who helped him. Giving back is important to him. It is important to me as well. He seems like the kind of director that all programs need....a director who still has passion and wants to share it with families, children, and staff.


  1. I love the quote by Raymond Hernandez, I love that he speaks about there being more to life than just what is in their neighborhood. I teach in a school, where many of my children have never ventured outside of their neighborhoods, and they live in families with parents and grandparents who have never had the opportunity or motivation to leave their neighborhood. It is my passion as a teacher to make sure that each child I teach knows that they have the opportunity, through education, to "go places" and be successful.

  2. I love it too! Raymond Hernandez is the person I was drawn to in the video. I sensed his passion. I want to continue to have true passion as long as I am working with children. I teach in a small rural school and there are many children who never venture far fron there either. We can take them places in education that otherwise they would never be able to go!
