Saturday, November 12, 2011


Breastfeeding is the most wonderful experience! I nursed both of my girls for many months. My oldest I nursed for 13 months and the youngest for 9 months. Both of my girls stayed healthy as infants and this benefit lasted well into their childhoods. Neither one ever experienced ear infections, colds, or other common ailments for most children. I recieved great support from my husband and family. Public support was, for the most part, positive. I only recall one instance that had negative feelings attached to it. I was in the dentist office nursing discreetly in the waiting room. The receptionist from the office came over to me and politely said, "Ma'am, there is the restroom" as she pointed to the bathroom door. I asked her if she ate her lunch if the restroom. She looked rather stunned and said ,"No". I giggled and replied, "Well, neither does she". She quickly left to share that information with her co-workers. Needless to say, we finished nursing in the waiting room without much more attention.

Nursing is natural! It is easy (after the first two weeks) and it is FREE! In today's expensive society, that seems like enough benefit for me! The benefits of nursing also include babies who are nursed usually suffer fewer sicknesses and stronger immune systems than their non-nursed counterparts.

I looked at breastfeeding in several different regions of the world. In countries like Kenya, Egypt, and Ghana, nursing is encouraged and the normal practice for feeding infants. In Ghana if you do not nurse your baby then people assume that it is not really your baby. Public opinion is supportive in all three of these countries and all across Africa.

In the UK. breastfeeding is frowned upon in most regions. Only 3% of women in the UK nurse beyond 5 months. This is a very shocking fact! There are support groups for women in the UK who choose to nurse. One of the organizations that encourages breastfeeding in the UK and around the world is UNICEF. The website for breastfeeding facts and support is
I hope you find this link to be helpful.

Nursing my girls was the most normal and natural thing for me. I cannot imagine feeding my babies any other way. It was not necessarily the easiest choice in the beginning but I am confident it was the best choice for the health of my daughters.


  1. Hi Wendy

    One does not think about the milk they produce as a free, I love your post if more mother thought about that they would be breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is a natural thing and people see it as a harm. We have a staff member that just had a baby and she has to leave in go and pump for about one hour I did all I could to provide her with a comfortable place where she can be in peace. In society today people see something wrong with breastfeeding in public it just like eating in public no difference. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wendy,
    Good for you! I liked your response to the receptionist. I don’t have any children but when I do I plan to breastfeed. I have a friend who attempted to breastfeed and stopped after a week because she said that it was too painful for her. Even though I have no experience in this area, I tried to encourage her to stick through it all. I’m glad to hear that you are a supporter for breastfeeding.

  3. Great post! I agree with you, breastfeeding is completely natural and the best food for your baby. I think it is amazing that you were able to breastfeed for so long. I wish I could have breastfed my children for as long, however, after returning to work I was not able to keep up my milk supply so I was only able to breastfeed for about 5 months for both of my children. I'm glad that I was able to for as long as I did, I feel like I have given them a good healthy advantage in life.
